Schlierbach - Aus unserer Welt
FSV Schlierbach
Schlierbach-Forum und Gästebuch
FSV Schlierbach
Startseite & © Ottmar Walter & FSV 1967 Schlierbach e.V.
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Willkommen / Welcome
to Schlierbach/Germany

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SONG 19"

The village which belongs to the Hessian community Schaafheim (postal code D-64850) is situated near the Bavarian border and counted at the end of 2013 621 inhabitants.

Schlierbach lies at the northern periphery of the Odenwald. From his hills you have a bright sight (if the weather is fine) to the skyline of Frankfort and to the mountains of the Taunus behind it.

The Great Feldberg can be realised also very well. If you turn to the East you will found Aschaffenburg and the neighbouring Spessart. Through Schlierbach flows the brooklet, having the same name, who gave the conditions for the 3 mills. Schlierbach was mentioned documented 770 a.d. for the first time and is therefore one of the oldest villages in this region. Till the beginning of the 70th Schlierbach was an autonomous village. One of the last majors with an incumbency of nearly 20 years was Georg Nikolaus Walter.

You can reach Schlierbach directly only on the road, coming from north/east on the highway A3 exit Hanau or Aschaffenburg and than in addition to both possibilities 15 km ordinary highway.From the West you can reach Schlierbach from Darmstadt on the Bundesstraße 26 till Babenhausen and from there about 5 km ordinary highway additionally.

Schlierbach has no industry. From the agriculture utilities only some slight activities have remained. Clubs and societies in Schlierbach are mainly the FSV Schlierbach (football/soccer-sport-club), the choral society and the voluntary fire-department.

In 2004 there was a great event. The historical town hall, built in 1804, became 200 years old. An event, the inhabitants of Schlierbach knew how to celebrate very well.


